The most important factor in choosing a Bike Helmet for a child is understanding the size. Once you which size helmet your child needs (discussed in a previous article here), you’ll need to decide which helmet is the right one for them. In this article, we discuss the factors that can determine which helmet you should buy for your child and why.

First of all, understanding the type of riding your child will be doing needs to be taken into account. Will they be riding their own bike, or are they going to be riding with you in a bike seat or trailer? If your kid is going to riding along in a bike seat or trailer, a helmet with a smoother, flat back will prevent it from being pushed forward on their head during a ride.
If not, you may want to consider what they’ll be using their helmet for. If in their spare time there’s a chance of them heading down the skatepark or out on a scooter then consider a skater-style helmet such as THE……. with it’s additional coverage. If it’s just days on the trails riding alongside friends and family, a traditional bike helmet like the……. will be the way to go, offering a lighter, more adjustable and breathable option. This tends to be the more common choice for most parents.
Next up you can take a look at the buckle options available. It may not seem like something you need to worry about, providing it keeps your kid safe and secure in their helmet, but it can be a big deal. A standard buckle is the classic tried and tested option, simply clip it into place and rest assured your child’s helmet is secure. Be careful not to pinch them when fastening it however as it can put them off wearing a helmet in the future if it’s a painful experience. Magnetic buckles offer a wonderful pinch-free alternative and are becoming more common on kids’ helmets.
Adjustability plays a big part in which helmet you might opt for, different manufacturers use slightly different internal adjustment systems. The most common being a traditional dial adjuster at the back of the helmet. Some will come with different size internal padding, with these you can simply swap out in removable internal pads for varying thickness pads to find the best fit. In addition to internal adjustment systems quite often you will find strap sliders, these allow you to adjust where the ‘V’ of the strap sits below the ear. Proper adjustment is essential to prevent the helmet from tilting forward or back.

Visors offer additional protection in a way that may have not even crossed your mind. Keeping the suns’ harmful rays out of kids’ eyes not only protects their eyesight, but also makes their ride a far more enjoyable experience. After all they want to see where they’re going and take in all the fantastic sights along the way!
Multiple Impact Protection System – MIPS
MIPS is offered on several of our kids’ helmets now. It’s a fantastic additional safety feature that in the worst-case allows energy from an impact to be absorbed by the helmet no matter what direction the impact is from. Studies show that MIPS can decrease risk of brain injury by up to 30%.

Some kids’ helmets even come equipped with built in lights ensuring your child stays safe and seen when riding their bike! While not all helmets feature a light most will have some reflective details for maximum visibility.
Shop our range of Kids Helmets from brands such as MET, Specialized and Troy Lee Designs to make sure your child is protected for every ride. If you need further assistance with finding the right helmet for your child visit one of our stores located in Southampton, Winchester, Chichester and Swindon.